MindLife’s values
Honesty and trustworthiness
Honesty and trustworthiness are essential. Trust in the media and governments is at an all-time low. People need organisations and services they can trust — that will always be open and transparent with them and never put profits over people’s well-being.

Collaboration can achieve much more than competition. Advances in human knowledge rely on open inquiry and shared endeavour, without boundaries, toward a common goal.
Inclusion, diversity, equality, and mutual respect
We respect all our customers, employees and collaborators, and embrace equality, diversity and inclusivity in our products, our staff team and our collaborations.

We appreciate that we’re all part of a deeply interconnected society and the planet, and endeavour to contribute to the sustainable improvement and evolution of life.
A focus on answering customers’ needs
MindLife solves difficult problems for both the professional and consumer markets. We create validated solutions for some of the most pressing needs in mental health, delivering much-needed relief to sufferers and insightful tools for professionals to aid a deeper understanding.

Curiosity, continual learning and open-mindedness are key to exploring new ideas and inspirations, combined with rigorous research to test and validate our innovations.
Caring about all our stakeholders
We care about all stakeholders connected to MindLife, including users, customers, collaborators, partners, employees and shareholders.

Positive impact
We strive to ensure our solutions have a significant impact and improve the lives of many millions.
What We Do
By combining 21st-century technology with wisdom, science, psychology, fun and creativity, we produce inspirational Apps to help millions improve their lives. We’re also developing tools and solutions for therapists and healthcare organisations to improve their outcomes and treat more people more effectively. We’ve also developed blended and self-help solutions to help employees to improve their well-being and reduce the risk of burnout.
We’re developing a series of interactive applications which encourage and help people to have a better understanding of themselves and discover their strengths, qualities and values. These applications include interactive tools for improving resilience, confidence, cognition and behaviour, and helping people to attain their goals.
We collaborate with organisations and experts with similar missions. We can customise our solutions, and add and convert existing methods and expertise into innovative computerised applications, which are both scalable and cost-effective.

Software and Apps
Our software platform Ai-Leap enables the rapid development of customised responsive interactive Apps and websites, and the conversion of face-to-face assessments and interventions into effective, appealing self-help applications.
Ai-Leap is an innovative platform which generates, stores and manages comprehensive libraries of object-oriented software and the “lifeware”, which are MindLife-patented therapeutic methods for assessment and treatment (see below).
With the ability to monitor progress and effectiveness, these tools provide a useful approach for researchers and individuals to assess levels of improvement and impact.

We have coined the term “lifeware” to refer to any therapeutic method that can help people to resolve their personal problems and improve their life. Lifeware is extremely broad as it includes any cognitive, behavioural, psychological and scientific methods. Over many years, we have acquired vast expertise and valuable insight into how to best convert wisdom, science and user experience into effective, motivating lifeware solutions. We understand how to engage users, induce positive behavioural modification, inspire purpose and enable positive change. We use effective methods to encourage self-knowledge and development and to continually appeal to and inspire the user to achieve new levels of personal, cognitive and emotional growth.

MindLife has developed unique inexpensive sensors that can track and measure minute changes in a person’s autonomic nervous system, state, stress levels and emotions. These biosensors can provide feedback in real-time to both the therapist and the patient to record how the patient responds (even subconsciously) to specific questions, thoughts, images, etc.
Our biosensors can also enable the user to play games driven by the user’s mind and emotions, without touching the keyboard or screen. This “biosensor/biofeedback loop” can train users to improve their reactions, overcome phobias and traumas and remain calm under stressful situations.
Working with the best
MindLife is fortunate to collaborate with some of the world’s best experts in mind-body health, both at premier academic institutions and on our advisory board.

Our People ↗︎
This is us! A team of people dedicated to solving the most pressing needs in mental health, mind-body health and well-being.

Our Advisors ↗︎
MindLife is grateful to be able to draw upon the expertise of our scientific advisory board, providing expert advice on many fields relevant to our work.

Our Collaborators ↗︎
MindLife will continue our ongoing collaboration with established organisations, including the National Health Service in the UK.
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