
The University of Sheffield
We have partnered with researchers and clinicians at the University of Sheffield to develop and test machine learning methods to solve prediction and classification problems in psychotherapy, and used these technologies to build the clinical decision tool, AiOracle.

NHS Foundation Trust: RDaSH
We have deep links with the Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber (RDaSH) NHS Foundation Trust, collaborating on several projects in psychological assessment and treatment.

University College London Hospitals
MindLife has a very fruitful collaboration with the University College London Hospitals, working on improved interventions for Disorders of Gut-Brain Interactions.

Manchester University Foundation Trust
We are collaborating with the Manchester University Foundation Trust on computerised treatments for mind-body conditions including IBS and other Disorders of Gut-Brain Interactions.

Learning for Well-being Foundation
Our collaboration with the Learning for Well-being Foundation has focused on methods which help and empower people to discover and nurture the best in themselves and improve their well-being.

The Scientific & Medical Network
We collaborate with SMN members to explore, in the spirit of open and critical enquiry, frontier issues at the interfaces between science, health, consciousness, and well-being.

Professor Peter Whorwell
DGBI/FGID world-expert. NICE IBS guidelines and Rome Foundation advisor. Emeritus Professor of Medicine and Gastroenterology at University of Manchester and founder of the South Manchester Functional-Bowel-Service (MFT). Researched and published >300 publications.

Professor Anton Emmanuel
UCL Professor in Neurogastroenterology; UCLH/National hospital for Neurology Consultant Gastroenterologist; UCLH Director of GI Physiology. Director-in-Chief of Clinical-Medicine and Medical Director of publishing at Royal College of Physicians.

Dr Vasant Dipesh
Consultant Gastroenterologist – currently manages South-Manchester Functional-Bowel-Service. Widely published. On committees including BSG-neurogastroenterology, motility section, and is an IBS clinical guidelines author. Is working on new British Society of Gastroenterology guidelines for Functional-Dyspepsia. Vasant it a Rome-V committee member and Associate Editor for the Journal BMJ Open Gastroenterology

Professor Jaime Delgadillo
Director of Psychological Therapies Research at RDaSH NHS Trust; Research Director at University-of-Sheffield (UoS); Chair of Northern IAPT Practice Research Network; member of the national IAPT expert advisory group; Jaime has 20 years clinical experience, has led multiple psychological RCTs, and is widely published.

Dr Shehzad Ali
Shehzad has a unique background which spans the fields of Health Economics (PhD), Medical Statistics (MSc), Public Health (MPH) and Clinical Medicine (MBBS). He has over 10 years of professional experience as an academic researcher and independent consultant in the public and private sectors in both developed and developing countries.
We achieve much more through collaboration
We collaborate with other organisations and experts with similar missions to provide solutions which unlock potential and inspire people to realise their purpose, dreams and aspirations.
By combining our knowledge, resources, methods and skills we expand the possibilities and potential to achieve our common goals worldwide.

Delivering innovative, cost-effective, scalable solutions
We can rapidly convert existing psychotherapy approaches into interactive, multilingual applications, and combine these with our advanced technology and lifeware modules to create a more effective customised solution.
Our expertise and software platform enable the simple, reliable and rapid transformation of existing paper-based or face-to-face approaches into attractive and effective multi-media Apps. The result is efficient and appealing 21st-century solutions accessible worldwide and delivered to millions.

Children, Individuals and Communities
We’re developing Apps with our partners, to help children, students and people of all ages learn about themselves, realise their potential and nurture their good character and qualities for enhancing wellbeing and enriched meaningful life.
Apps under development will provide self-help methods and tools to inspire and enable everyone to develop core values and life skills for optimum health, well-being, career and purpose in life. We are also developing solutions to help people find the services, professionals and organisations which represent the best-fit solution to their particular needs.
Open to Collaboration and Talent
We are a flexible company welcoming new opportunities and co-operations. We welcome collaboration with organisations and people who share our mission. We are always looking for talented people including software developers, AI/Machine learning experts, psychologists, etc, to contribute to our mission of uplifting the lives of millions.